I²CNER Research Seeds

  • Materials / Transport / Heat

Nano-mechanics, In-situ microscopy, Amorphous metals, Crystallization

Volkert, Cynthia A. (PI)

Professor & Principal Investigator

Research Outline

Hydrogen Embrittlement

Fracture behavior of metal alloys is studied in-situ in the TEM to determine defect-level mechanisms.

Hydrogen Creep

Microstructure analyses and in-situ TEM studies are performed to determine the effect of H₂ gas on creep rupture.

Phase Transformations in the Fe-C System

The effect of C concentration and mechanical stress are investigated on far-from-equilibrium phase transformations.

Research Methods and Facilities

In-Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy

Conventional and high-resolution studies during mechanical and thermal loading and in gas environments are used to determine atomic-scale and defect-level mechanisms.

Atom Probe Microscopy

3d atom probe studies are used to investigate the structure of ion conducting materials.


Nanoscale mechanical testing is performed after hydrogen charging and during electrochemical lithiation.