Research Thrusts and Platforms

Research Thrusts and Platforms

Advanced Energy Materials Thrust

Develop molecular, nano, and bulk materials based on new science of surfaces, interfaces, and microstructures for applications involving H₂, H₂O, and CO₂.

Advanced Energy Conversion Systems Thrust

Development and evolution of systems which either lower carbon emission, increase energy efficiency, or both

Multiscale Science and Engineering for Energy and the Environment Thrust

Pull together the range of challenges facing Japan’s and the world’s energy transition, namely the transition from largely fossil fueled energy technology to a carbon-neutral or a carbon-free energy supply

Platform for International Collaborations and Partnerships

The Platform for International Collaborations and Partnerships is intended to maintain and foster I²CNER’s international identity.

Platform for Societal Implementation and Industrial Collaboration

The Platform for Societal Implementation and Industrial Collaboration will ensure this high level of tech transfer.