I²CNER Research Seeds

  • Energy Analysis
  • Hydrogen Energy

Energy Analysis, Sustainability, Energy Systems

Chapman, Andrew (Administrative Director, PI)

Associate Professor & Principal Investigator

  • Research Thrust : Multiscale Science and Engineering for Energy and the Environment Thrust
  • E-mail :
  • Website : https://chapman-lab.com/

Research Outline

Social Equity Evaluations

Establishment and application of a quantitative framework to holistically evaluate the social impacts of a transitioning energy system and the deployment of new technologies.

Fig 1. Social Equity Evaluations based on Footprints and Consumption
Hydrogen Society

Evaluating the potential societal penetration of hydrogen based on technological progress, economic and social factors employing a global model.

Fig 2. Global Hydrogen Model and Japanese Energy System Outcomes
Energy Transitions

Analysis of the transitioning energy system and impacts of established and emerging low-carbon technologies utilizing optimization, scenario analysis and techno-economic analysis.

Research Methods and Facilities

Life Cycle Analysis, Optimization, Energy System Model Development.