
A paper by a research group of Prof. Nakashima published in "The Journal of Physical Chemistry C”

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A paper by a research group of Profs. Naotoshi Nakashima (Advanced Energy Conversion Systems Thrust at the time of the publishment) and  Aleksandar Staykov (Advanced Energy Conversion Systems Thrust) has been published  in the science journal “The Journal of Physical Chemistry C.


*Title : One-Pot Separation of Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Their Enantiomer Recognition Based on Self-Organized Supramolecular Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Motifs

*Authors : Wataru Ishimaru, Chaerin Kim, Fumiyuki Toshimitsu, Aleksandar Staykov, and Naotoshi Nakashima


*First published online : June 2, 2022
