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Photoemission Electron Microscope System/My PEEM AV318-A1 [ Ⅱ-301(1) ]

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Photoemission Electron microscopy (PEEM) utilizes local variations in electron emission to generate image contrast. The excitation is produced by UV light. PEEM measures the coefficient indirectly by collecting the emitted secondary electrons generated in the electron cascade that follows the creation of the primary core hole in the absorption process. PEEM is a surface sensitive technique because the emitted electrons originate from a very shallow layer.

●Vacuum Pressure: 10-7 Pa
●Field of View: 40~800μm
●Magnification Ratio: 50~1000
●Diaphragm(Movable): 20/50/100μm
●Light Source: Various UV Light
●Dimensions: W1700×D1100×H1900

403, I2CNER BuildingⅠ

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