電界放出形走査電子顕微鏡SEM [ Ⅱ-301(3) ]
機器情報 |
メーカー名: 性能: 設置場所: 301 at I2CNER buildingⅡ その他: |
関連資料をダウンロードするためにはログインする必要があります。 | |
サポート情報 | 営業担当者等: |
関連資料をダウンロードするためにはログインする必要があります。 | |
機器の管理者 |
Resercher in charge
[Molecular Photoconversion Devices]Prof. Atsushi Takagaki 6711 atakagak@cstf.kyushu-u.ac.jp(Prof. Motonori Watanabe 6748 mwata@i2cner.kyushu-u.ac.jp)
[Hydrogen Materials Compatibility]Prof. Masanobu Kubota 6720 kubota.masanobu.304@m.kyushu-u.ac.jp(Dr. Hiroyoshi Tanaka 3075 tanaka.hiroyoshi.315@m.kyushu-u.ac.jp)
[Electrochemical Energy Conversion]Dr. Leonard Kwati 6706 kwati@i2cner.kyushu-u.ac.jp
[Thermal Science and Engineering]Dr. Harish Sivasankaran 6730 harish@i2cner.kyushu-u.ac.jp
[Catalytic Materials Transformations]Dr. Sho Kitano 6873 skitano@i2cner.kyushu-u.ac.jp
[CO2 Capture and Utilization]Prof. Shigenori Fujikawa 6872 fujikawa.shigenori.137@m.kyushu-u.ac.jp
[CO2 Storage]Dr. Tatsunori Ikeda 6723 ikeda@i2cner.kyushu-u.ac.jp
【Rules for SEM users】
*User registration
Users are limited to the following people
· Those who attended administrator training.
· Those who attended this training.
・Those who got a permission to use this from administrators after receiving training by a user who is familiar with this operation.
*Reservation hours
· Day time (Monday - Friday: 08: 00 ~ 20: 00) Up to 3 hours, in principle
· Night time (Monday - Friday: 20: 00-08: 00 Saturday and Sunday) No restriction, in principle
· Be sure to handle holders etc. by wearing gloves
· When measuring powder samples, use carbon paste. Use of carbon tape is not permitted
· Measurement data should be saved to external hardware
· Store holder etc in desiccator
· At the end of use, record amount of gas pressure remaining of TWO gas bottles.
· If the remaining gas pressure is less than 2 MPa, please let a researcher in charge know it.
Resercher in charge
[Molecular Photoconversion Devices]Prof. Atsushi Takagaki 6711 atakagak@cstf.kyushu-u.ac.jp(Prof. Motonori Watanabe 6748 mwata@i2cner.kyushu-u.ac.jp)
[Hydrogen Materials Compatibility]Prof. Masanobu Kubota 6720 kubota.masanobu.304@m.kyushu-u.ac.jp(Dr. Hiroyoshi Tanaka 3075 tanaka.hiroyoshi.315@m.kyushu-u.ac.jp)
[Electrochemical Energy Conversion]Dr. Leonard Kwati 6706 kwati@i2cner.kyushu-u.ac.jp
[Thermal Science and Engineering]Dr. Harish Sivasankaran 6730 harish@i2cner.kyushu-u.ac.jp
[Catalytic Materials Transformations]Dr. Sho Kitano 6873 skitano@i2cner.kyushu-u.ac.jp
[CO2 Capture and Utilization]Prof. Shigenori Fujikawa 6872 fujikawa.shigenori.137@m.kyushu-u.ac.jp
[CO2 Storage]Dr. Tatsunori Ikeda 6723 ikeda@i2cner.kyushu-u.ac.jp
【Rules for SEM users】
*User registration
Users are limited to the following people
· Those who attended administrator training.
· Those who attended this training.
・Those who got a permission to use this from administrators after receiving training by a user who is familiar with this operation.
*Reservation hours
· Day time (Monday - Friday: 08: 00 ~ 20: 00) Up to 3 hours, in principle
· Night time (Monday - Friday: 20: 00-08: 00 Saturday and Sunday) No restriction, in principle
· Be sure to handle holders etc. by wearing gloves
· When measuring powder samples, use carbon paste. Use of carbon tape is not permitted
· Measurement data should be saved to external hardware
· Store holder etc in desiccator
· At the end of use, record amount of gas pressure remaining of TWO gas bottles.
· If the remaining gas pressure is less than 2 MPa, please let a researcher in charge know it.
時間: | 2023/02/06 |
時間: | 2023/02/06 |
エネルギー変換科学ユニット |
物質変換科学ユニット |
マルチスケール構造科学ユニット |
国際科学連携ハブ |
国際産学連携ハブ |
光エネルギー変換分子デバイス |
水素適合材料 |
電気化学エネルギー変換 |
熱科学 |
触媒的物質変換 |
CO2分離・転換 |
CO2貯留 |
エネルギーアナリシス研究部門 |
支援部門 |