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Inverse Gas Chromatography/iGC-SEA [ Ⅱ-102 ]

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Equipment information Maker:
Surface Measurement Systems社/Surface Measurement Systems Ltd.

The Inverse Gas Chromatography-Surface Energy Analyzer (iGC-SEA) measures the surface energy of a sample by subjecting the sample to vapor probes of known properties and investigating the interface between the surface of the sample and other molecules. The vapor’s retention time is measured by a Flame Ionization Detector (FID). Varying the vapor probe molecule, flow rate, temperature, or column conditions elucidates a surface and bulk properties of the sample.

Sample column oven: 20℃~ 150℃
Number of gas prove : 12 types
[non-polar and polar]
Column diameter: 2mm, 3mm, 4mm
Sample type : particulate, fibre , planar
Detector: FID [Flame ionization detector]

102, I2CNER Building II

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